As part of the Pokemon 20th Anniversary celebration, The Pokemon 20th Anniversary site has a neat little feature of showing you the timeline on how Pokemon progressed through the years.
Starting off with 1996, the timeline shows the official release date of Pokemon in Japan:
With September of 1998 as the North American region finally got a taste of some Pocket Monster goodness with Pokemon Red and blue:
The timeline also shows some pretty significant milestones in Pokemon’s history such as the date of the first ever Pokemon movie, the month and year the first Pokemon TCG was released (which I jumped into).
These are just a few of the things you can find out and reminisce on the timeline. So if you’re hankering for some Pokemon Nostalgia, or like me, who’s pretty much wanting to just feel old. You can head on out to the Pokemon 20th Anniversary site and see for yourself how far Pokemon has gone (and of course for other Pokemon 20th anniversary stuff).