Renegade Game Studios, publisher of popular games such as Clank!, Raiders of the North Sea, Architects of the West Kingdom, and Bargain Quest has just started a Kickstarter for Scott Pilgrim Miniatures the World. A competitive strategy game that follows the battles that Scott Pilgrim faced against Ramona Flowers‘ Seven Evil Exes.
The game is for 2-4 players and according to them can range from 45 to 60 minutes a game. The Core game comes with 6 characters to choose from; Scott, Ramona, Kim, Stephen, Knives, and Matthew Patel. Each with their own unique player board and skills. The game will also come with 24 Item cards, 10 3d throwable objects, dice, tokens, and a Pop-up board for them to fight on.
The Core Game is 60 usd and 80 usd for the unpainted and painted minis set respectively, but I’m sure you want the whole package with all of the exes. Well as a Kickstarter exclusive they’re also offering each expansion featuring the individual battles that Scott Pilgrim had to fight at 26 usd for unpainted figures, and 35 usd for painted. Of course, that’s if you were to purchase each expansion separately.
There is an All-in package which includes the core game and all 5 expansions at 149 usd for the unpainted and 199 usd for painted figures, which comes out about 50 usd cheaper than if you were to purchase each one individually.
Now if you loved the movie and the book, but aren’t really into board games, Renegade Game Studios has you covered and is also offering boxes of painted figures. It’s 49 usd for the Matthew Patel VS the Band, and 99 usd for all painted minis from the core game and all 5 expansions
If you would like to back the Kickstarter or learn more about the game, you can follow this link here.