Justice League Dark: Apokolips War

And what a bloody send-off this movie is

The Justice League animated movies had been a fun ride. With the quality pretty much being a roller coaster experience but things turned pretty interesting when we were introduced to the DC magical world through the first Justice League Dark movie. With the Hellblazer himself, John Constantine being front and center of it all. Now with the sequel, Apokolips War, we’re given a look into how John Constantine “adjusted” to the more prim and proper world of superheroes as they’re preparing for war against the rule of Apokolips himself, Darkseid.

Pretty boy’s back!!!!!

Without giving too much away, things don’t go as planned and we’re shown how a serious take on the battle against Apokolips can go horribly wrong on not just the planet but on the heroes who are the front liners in the war.


One of the things that really stands out in Apokolips War is the way our heroes are slowly decimated on screen. With our heroes actually getting dismembered, disemboweled, and eaten alive on screen. While this isn’t really surprising considering how darker the succeeding Justice League movies are becoming. The amount of body parts flying in Apokolips War is the logical “final step” in the progression of the recent DC Animated Movies.

Whoomp! There it is!

What I mean is, Justice League Dark: Apokolips War is the final movie in the current DC Animated Movie Universe starting from Justice League War.

So what would be a great send-off than killing off all our beloved heroes (and then some) right? I mean they already did Flashpoint, which basically ended the world right?

Diminished Heroes

Every scene in Apokolips War emphasizes a world gone darker, scarier that even within the ranks of our supposed saviors, the Justice League. There’s this tinge of madness that can’t be abated. That even the most sensible, wise, and strongest Earth had to offer is fallible both physically and mentally.

We’re shown heroes at their wit’s end, barely keeping themselves together or are former shells of themselves that they would need to rely on mere humans to stand in the face of destruction. And I guess this is sort of the movie’s way of saying that this is the final crescendo for this universe. And isn’t it a fitting end that the guy who was the “darkest” among our heroes be the one to save it becoming totally decimated.

The Redemption of our Dark Heroes

Likewise to its predecessor, Justice League Dark‘s perspective is being carried on the shoulders by John Constantine, voiced by none other than Matt Ryan himself. John was, of course, being his usual smart-cracking drunk self before and after that doomed mission. And we’ve been shown John in his element, drunk, hanging out with Etrigan and just on the lookout for himself, a return to his “true” form and his redemption of being the hero he’d become way back in Justice League Dark.

But thankfully in Apokolips War, we’ve not only shown John‘s redemption, but also that of our “darker” heroes, Raven and Damian Wayne. Though the lovers (yes) storyline wasn’t really well-executed (still better than Twilight, YES I KNOW I had to go there), their brief moments already spoke volumes on how their relationship blossomed off-screen.

Raven and Trigon even had a well-deserved moment in this movie. Yes, who would’ve thought a demon and her daughter would have a touching moment in a movie like this right?

A World Decimated…?

Apokolips War shows that even heroes can still win their fight against Darkseid they still lost. Further emphasizing this universe’s doom, I like how John coined the seemingly final nail to the coffin with this line.

And some of those changes may be shite, and we may make the same mistakes again, it won’t be perfect, it’ll be a long sight better than what we got now.

Of course, I won’t tell who this is directed too, but if you’re a long time fan of the DC Universe, you’ll practically know what’s going to happen after this “pep talk” and what it means.

Final Thoughts

Justice League Dark: Apokolips War is a bit too bleak for a superhero animated film considering the current global situation. But the way the story has been tied together pretty much shows that while a storyline can be pretty dark, there are a good few bursts of sunshine that we can at least hold on to.

A proper send-off indeed

This is a movie that I will not suggest to someone who’s already been feeling the strain of the COVID-19 Situation. The movie’s mostly dark and bleak, and it reflects the grim reality of our world right now. However, if you’re able to finish through the movie, you will be left hopeful even with the dour outcome.

Justice League Dark: Apokolips War is a great and proper send-off to the current DC Animated Movie Universe.

Production Quality
Reader Rating1 Votes
DA Good
More John Constantine
Very raw and visceral
Raven and Damian <3
DA Bad
Pacing is a bit too fast for my taste
The dark tones are a bit too real considering the global situation