Neutral Grounds has announced that it will hosts various Board Game tournaments during the Hobby Expo starting this Friday to Sunday.
During this three-day event (April 29 – May 1), players can head to Fisher Mall, Expo Hall 2 to take part in tournaments of various board games such as 7 Wonders, Casn N’ Guns, Epic, Star Realms, Force of Will, My Little Pony, Netrunner, Splendor, Krosmaster and Dicemasters
Neutral Grounds will also have on-site game demoers that are more than willing to teach you the basics of these games as well.
Here’s the list of tournaments set all throughout the week:
April 29, 2016, Friday – 10:00 AM-10:00 PM
Splendor Tournament
Entrance Fee: 300
Minimum of 4 players, Maximum of 8 players per pod
Pod schedules: 4pm and 7pm
Cash N’ Guns
Entrance Fee: 200
Minimum of 4 players, Maximum of 8 players per pod
Pod schedules: 4pm and 7pm
7 Wonders
Entrance Fee: 200
Minimum of 4 players, Maximum of 8 players per pod
Pod schedules: 4pm and 7pm
April 30, 2016, Saturday – 10:00 AM-10:00 PM
Splendor Tournament
Entrance Fee: 300
Minimum of 4 players, Maximum of 8 players per pod
Pod schedules: 12 Noon, 3pm and 6pm
Cash N’ Guns
Entrance Fee: 200
Minimum of 4 players, Maximum of 8 players per pod
Pod schedules: 12 Noon, 3pm and 6pm
7 Wonders
Entrance Fee: 200
Minimum of 4 players, Maximum of 8 players per pod
Pod schedules: 12 Noon, 3pm and 6pm
Force of Will Masters Cup Qualifier Month 2
Entrance Fee: 300
Start Time: 1:00PM
Netrunner 2016 GNK Tournament
Entrance Fee: 200 (minimum 6 players)
Start time: 2:00 PM
May 1, 2016, Sunday – 10:00 AM-9:00 PM
Splendor Tournament
Entrance Fee: 300
Minimum of 4 players, Maximum of 8 players per pod
Pod schedules: 12 Noon, 3pm and 6pm
Cash N’ Guns
Entrance Fee: 200
Minimum of 4 players, Maximum of 8 players per pod
Pod schedules: 12 Noon, 3pm and 6pm
7 Wonders
Entrance Fee: 200
Minimum of 4 players, Maximum of 8 players per pod
Pod schedules: 12 Noon, 3pm and 6pm
My Little Pony Tournament
Entrance Fee: 250
Start time: 2:00 PM
Dicemasters Tournament
Entrance Fee: 200 (minimum 4 players)
Start Time: 2:00 PM
Krosmaster Tournament
Entrance Fee: 500 (minimum of 4 players)
Start time: 1:00 PM
Epic Tournament
Entrance Fee: 250 (minimum 8 players)
Start time: 1:00 PM
Star Realms Tournament
Entrance Fee: 250 (minimum 8 players)
Start time: 3:00 PM