Star Wars: Darth Vader Issue #5 Review Sammy February 17, 2016Abominations and blasphemes. Immediately after #4, #5 deals with Vader entering Cylo-IV’s base. However they find that the base is...
Star Wars: Darth Vader Issue #4 Review Sammy February 15, 2016They aren’t droids to her. They’re children. This issue walks into Aliens territory as a visit to a droid factory...
Star Wars: Darth Vader Issue #3 Review Sammy February 15, 2016Doctor Aphra…you are an irresponsible and troublesome woman. If Luke got his own team of supporting characters—why can’t Vader? Meet...
Star Wars: Darth Vader Issue #2 Review Sammy February 15, 2016Nobody trusts Vader, and Vader trusts nobody. Tagge puts Vader under watch by an adjutant, thinking that Vader is more...
Star Wars: Darth Vader Issue #1 Review Sammy February 15, 2016The Overseer will not fail again. But what of you, Vader? The trouble of a 1st issue is that it...
DAGeek Reviews: Deadpool (Movie) Haoson February 15, 2016Final verdict: Deadpool is a movie that’s clearly made with love and dedication as you can see in the final...