Nexon has announced that the beta test for their mobile MapleStory game, MapleStory M is currently undergoing.
The game is available to download until January 30, 2018 through the Google Play Store and in all regions excluding Korea, China, and Japan. You can download the game here.

Players can partake in the beta who can explore Maple World with five unique characters, you can also team up with friends or explore mysterious dungeons.
Here’s a rundown of the features Nexon is proud to have for MapleStory M:
Return to Maple World – Players can experience all the familiar characters and monsters anytime straight from their mobile device. MapleStory M is the true mobile MapleStory experience fans have been waiting for;

- Return to Maple World – Players can experience all the familiar characters and monsters anytime straight from their mobile device. MapleStory M is the true mobile MapleStory experience fans have been waiting for;
- Play Five Original Characters – MapleStory M offers players five unique MapleStory characters, including Dark Knight, Bowmaster, Night Lord, Bishop and Corsair;
- Hunt for Loot in Daily Dungeons – Players can power up characters with jewels found in daily dungeons. Different jewels are available each day of the week, so players can keep coming back for more
- Power Level in Private Mini Dungeons – Players can focus their leveling efforts by taking down monsters of their choice and hunt specific quest items in their very own mini dungeon;
- Seek Out the Master of the Mu Lung Dojo – This challenge tasks players to climb floor after floor and defeat monsters along the way. Once they reach the top, they’ll face the martial arts master himself, Mu Gong;
- Explore Nett’s Deadly Pyramid – Players wanting to press their luck can explore and discover the mysteries of Nett’s Pyramid. They must fend off mummies and other monsters to discover mysterious treasures;
- Raid with Friends in the Expedition – Players can join a party with up to 10 other friends to battle against the iconic raid boss Zakum for exclusive rewards.
First released in Korea in October 2016, MapleStory M quickly became the #1 ranked free game on both the App Store and the Google Play Store sand amassed over two million downloads in the first two weeks. With its global launch later this year, the game will be available on the App Store for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, and the Google Play Store for Android devices.