Of course when Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate came out, the G-rank, well uh- rank came out and as per the case would push the envelope for hunters. MHGU‘s G-rank is on four levels and of course it comes with the list of key quests you’d need to unlock them as you go through them. So here’s the G-Rank guide based off from Kiranico‘s key hunter guide, so feel free to read and rank up!
G★1 Key Quests (G1 – G2)
G★1 Pecking Order
- Main Quest: Hunt a Yian Kut-ku
- Sub Quest: Slay 8 Hermitaurs
- Main Quest: Hunt a Gypceros
- Sub Quest: Wound Gypceros‘ Crest
G★1 Surprise!
- Main Quest: Hunt a Cephadrome
and a Daimyo Hermitaur
- Sub Quest: Mount and topple monster twice
- Main Quest: Hunt a Giadrome
and a Bulldrome
- Sub Quest: Slay 8 Giaprey
G★1 Water Fight
- Main Quest: Hunt 2 Royal Ludroth
- Sub Quest: Slay 8 Ludroth
G★1 Ugent: Dirty Deals
- Main Quest: Hunt a Barroth
- Sub Quest: None
G★2 Key Quests (G2 – G3)
G★2 Queen of the Ruined Pinnacle
- Main Quest: Hunt a Rathian
- Sub Quest: Wound Rathian‘s back
G★2 Shadows in the Desert Lake
- Main Quest: Hunt a Plesioth
- Sub Quest: Slay 8 Genprey
G★2 Not Mushroom to Swing a Congalala
- Main Quest: Hunt a Congalala
- Sub Quest: Slay 8 Mosswine
G★2 Feeding Time
- Main Quest: Hunt a Nerscylla
- Sub Quest: Break Nerscylla‘s poison spike
G★2 The Next Stage of E-Volvi-lution
- Main Quest: Hunt a Volvidon
and a Great Maccao
- Sub Quest: Earn 1500 Wycademy Points
G★2 That’s No Rock…
- Main Quest: Hunt a Basarios
- Sub Quest: Wound Basarios’s chest
G★2 Ugent: Giant Dragon Invasion
- Main Quest: Slay a Lao-Shan Lung
- Sub Quest: None
G★3 Key Quests (G2 – G3)
- Main Quest: Hunt an Astalos
- Sub Quest: Wound Astalos‘s crest
G★3 The Boiling Broiling Desert
- Main Quest: Hunt a Glavenus
- Sub Quest: Wound Glavenus‘ head
G★3 Water Kerfuffle
- Main Quest: Hunt a Mizutsune
- Sub Quest: Wound Mizutsune‘s top fin
- Main Quest: Hunt a Barioth
- Sub Quest: Wound Barioth‘s head
G★3 Ice Recovery
- Main Quest: Hunt a Gammoth
- Sub Quest: Wound Gammoth‘s trunk
- Main Quest: Hunt a Gravios
- Sub Quest: Wound Gravios’ head
G★3 Ugent: Sky Render
- Main Quest: Slay a Valstrax or repel it
- Sub Quest: None
G★4 Key Quests (G2 – G3)
G★4 Beware Twin Horns on the Sand
- Main Quest: Hunt a Diablos
- Sub Quest: Break Diablos‘ horns
G★4 Deviljho Hunt
- Main Quest: Hunt a Deviljho
- Sub Quest: Sever Deviljho‘s tail
- Main Quest: Hunt a Tigrex
- Sub Quest: Break Tigrex‘s claws
G★4 Emergency at the Arctic Ridge!
- Main Quest: Hunt a Rajang
- Sub Quest: Wound Rajang‘s tail
- Main Quest: Hunt a Glavenus
and a Gravios
- Sub Quest: Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear
G★4 A Titanic Clash
- Main Quest: Hunt an Agnaktor
and a Duramboros
- Sub Quest: Mount and topple monster twice
G★4 Ugent: Castle on the Run
- Main Quest: Slay Ahtal-Ka
- Sub Quest: None