The beloved realm of Maple World unfolds in players’ hands with MapleStory M, the hit side-scrolling adventure mobile game from Nexon Korea Corporation. Beginning today, players can experience MapleStory M‘s latest content.
MapleStory M is the hit mobile iteration of the classic side-scrolling MMORPG MapleStory. Today’s fresh content update furthers the festivities with a myriad of exclusive new content like playing as the Buccaneer or the Marksman. Apart from the new classes, there will also be the official fourth expedition boss challenges, a new gear system with secondary weapons, Link Skills, and 2 new events; The New Explorer Burning event, and Growth Support event which will last until June 19, 2019,
MapleStory M is available to download for iPhone and Android around the world on the App Store and Google Play
To keep up to date with the latest news on MapleStory M you can check out their official website, or like the official Facebook page.