A Look Into Komiket 2017

An annual event, this year’s Komiket was held at the Elements at Centris last Oct 15, 2017. A fan of various comics, of both the Asian and Western variety, I have long been curious about Komiket. This year I was fortunate enough to have time to do so, as well as the additional reason of having friends a the event itself.

Komiket had an entry price of 100 php. The choice of having it held at the Elements seems to have worked out well enough, given its proximity to public transportation and other facilities. As I went around the tables, I didn’t find myself suffocated by the crowd density and foot traffic.

Komiket 2017 video courtesy of Oliver Juan

I would describe the feeling of being there as very energetic, youthful, and independent. The vast majority of the people showcasing their works were college-level or fresh graduates. The atmosphere struck me as very hopeful, very passionate. Items ranged from fanwork collectibles to original self- publications, from on-the- spot custom pieces to pre-made art pieces.

It was an enjoyable experience, and I let myself buy a few of what I found to be the more interesting works – originals, all. I felt it was worthwhile checking out what was there and supporting the various new talents making their way in the world and in their chosen field. Here’s hoping for the best in the futures of many of these aspiring creatives!