Are We Going Full Boyle? Joe Lo Truglio May Be Coming to the Philippines

Yes, you read that right! We may be going full Boyle as Charles Joe Lo Truglio, the actor portraying the lovable, sometimes insufferable best friend of Jake Peralta confirmed that he may be coming to the country.

This comes from the Brooklyn 99 fanpage where the cast had a live broadcast straight out of their filming of Season 6.

Here’s the exact wording from Truglio when the cast was asked, “Who’s going to come here in the Philippines

I… I might be coming, maybe, if it works out with the schedule, I’d love to get there for Asia Comic Con”

Here’s the video if you still can’t believe it, the announcement can be found 4:10 into the video.

I’m just really hoping that this pushes through and we can finally go full Boyle IRL.