Pinocchio Live-Action Adaptation Casts Luke Evans Cast as The Coachman Haoson January 29, 2021Yes, Luke Evans is cast yet again, as another Disney antagonist with his new role as the Coachman in the upcoming...
The Rundown on Star Wars: The High Republic Patty Uy January 28, 2021Previously mentioned in this post. we only know of the High Republic as the setting of one of the upcoming...
The Rundown: Lucasfilm Announcements from Disney’s Investor Day 2020 Patty Uy December 13, 2020It appears the current COVID-19 pandemic did not slow the Walt Disney Company as they revealed their upcoming offerings in...
71% Mulan (2020) JohnG September 19, 2020Mulan. This is a Disney movie I didn’t particularly feel much energy to review. This pretty much gives you a...
Asia’s Entertainment Industry Conference Lists Their Lineup for All That Matters 2020 Haoson September 10, 2020Asia’s entertainment industry conference, All That Matters 2020 has listed down their list of a lineup of business leaders, creators,...
87% My Marvel’s Avengers Beta PS4 Experience Haoson August 23, 2020Ever since the showing of Avengers Endgame and Spider-Man: Homecoming last year, people have been STARVED for the next big...
The High Republic: Light of the Jedi (Preview) JohnG July 7, 2020As a long-time fan of Star Wars, I grew up reading the novels of what was called the Expanded Universe...
Hamilton Musical Coming to Disney+ Patty Uy June 22, 2020Rise up, Broadway fans! Hamilton: An American Musical is scheduled to be released for screening exclusively to Disney+ subscribers starting...
Loki is a Show That’s Burdened with Glorious Purpose Yu F.O. March 10, 2020If there’s anything we know from the upcoming MCU series debuting Disney+, it’s that we literally have no idea what’s...
4 Things about the WandaVision Hype – From a Normie’s POV Leoren February 17, 2020Disney finally announced the release dates to MCU’s long-awaited expanded Marvel Cinematic Universe. Moving out of the confines of the...