93% The Witcher Season 1 Patty Uy January 24, 2020The Witcher is a Netflix series based on the eponymous novel saga by Andrzej Sapkowski. Aside from this, his novels...
85% Child’s Play (2019) Yu F.O. June 24, 2019It took a lot of soul-searching and head-scratching to deal with the fact that the Child’s Play reboot was relegated...
The 90th Academy Awards: Winners and Highlights Patty Uy March 6, 2018The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences recently conducted their annual awards ceremonies on March 4, 2018, 5 PM...
What’s Inside the Ludus Grab Bag Haoson August 27, 2016Last week Ludus Distributors announced on their fanpage that they will be selling an AsiaPOP Comicon exclusive loot bag for 300...