Upcoming Super Mario Bros. Animated Movie Still in Progress Says Illumination Haoson May 12, 2020Amidst the global pandemic situation and the delays on a lot of ongoing productions, Illumination, the studio most famous for...
Shigeru Miyamoto Jamming With The Roots at the Tonight’s Show Haoson December 9, 2016During the same episode of Tonight’s show where Jimmy Fallon was able to play with the Nintendo Switch, Super Mario...
Jimmy Fallon Geeks Out on Nintendo Switch, Super Mario Run and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in The Tonight’s Show Haoson December 9, 2016Late night show hosts seems to be the new thing when it comes to showcasing game or game related updates...
Shigeru Miyamoto Shares as to Why Nintendo is Not Talking About NX Just Yet Haoson June 28, 2016It seems we’ve been given a glimpse to what the Nintendo’s dev teams have in mind as the development for...